Sure I am a religious man who is also passionate about conserving the environment. But I am also a CEO, with all the bad habits and attitudes that are natural to the species.. . . I am still naturally self-interested, overconfident, full of pride, and eager to control a meeting as any CEO in America. Every day, I struggle with my ego.
— Tom Chappell, in Managing Upside Down
Chappell knows that a big-ego CEO may not be always considerate or kind. But he hasn’t given up on character.
Instead, he knows he has a wrestling match, every day. We executives with ADHD can borrow his attitude. If our ego or lack of self-control hinders progress or makes life difficult for others, we can apologize and make amends. But at the same time, we can know that our ego and drive are also part of what makes us motivated and strong.
About Tom Chappell: In the 1970 Chappell co-founded Tom’s of Maine, which grew into an enduring success stories of business done right. In 2006, Chappell sold a majority stake to Colgate-Palmolive for $100 million. In 1991, he endowed a professorship at the Harvard Divinity School, where he had just completed his Masters degree in Theology. Chappell is author of several books, including The Soul of a Business: Managing for Profit and Common Good and Managing Upside Down: Seven Intentions for Values-Centered Leadership.