Questions for “LD/ADHD Rules, Regulations, and Realities in the Workplace” Dear Eye-to-Eye Alumn’eye — thanks for sharing your wisdom! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.What kind(s) of LD/ADHD do you identify with?What LD/ADHD accommodations (if any) do you use at work?Are your employer and/or colleagues aware of your LD/ADHD? And if so, do they actively support your success while recognizing your LD/ADHD?Are your employer and colleagues aware that different learning and working approaches can have both advantages and disadvantages, depending on how they are put to use?Have you found ways to help your employer and colleagues make the most of working with you and your learning/working approach, whether or not you've explicitly discussed LD/ADHD?Have you wanted to educate your employer and/or colleagues about learning differences and/or ADA requirements? If so, have you done so? If yes: what have you done, and how did it go?What kind of organization do you work for?How large is your employer? (Please include all locations if there are more than one, not just yours.) 15 is an important cutoff for ADA rules.May we contact you with followup questions? If so, please leave your name, email, and phone number:MessageSubmit